Small Business Articles

How To Recover From Business Setbacks

Every company faces business risks. Sometimes it seems like they’re waiting around every corner! If your company is around long enough, you’ll probably experience business setbacks of one type or another. For example, in business, property damage is common. It might also be caused by a storm, an employee mistake, or some other incident, but you’re bound to encounter problems of this nature at some point.

How To Get a Fast and Accurate Business Insurance Quote Online

One of the great things about getting small business insurance from biBerk is that you can purchase policies online whenever it’s convenient. Have a few free minutes early in the morning? That works. Prefer to make your purchase while you eat your lunch? We’re here to help. In the evening, when life slows down a bit? Perfect.

biBerk Insurance Reviews: We’re Proud of What Customers Say About Our Company and Insurance Policies

There are lots of ways to assess whether a provider can meet your company’s business insurance needs. At biBerk insurance, reviews from actual customers show that we stand behind them, providing the coverage they need and addressing claims promptly, fairly, and efficiently. That’s what every business owner expects and, in our opinion, deserves—especially when facing a liability or loss.

Sustainability for Business: Why is It Important?

The world gets more crowded every day. As it does, resource demands increase, and our impact on the planet grows. That’s inevitable, to some degree. But the good news is that companies are responding, and sustainability for businesses is a topic that’s racing up everyone’s priority list. What strategies are companies using to be more sustainable and how do those practices benefit the environment and the organizations? Those are excellent questions!

Keys to Success: 8 Traits of Business Owners (and How to Adopt Them)

As a small business owner, you know that for good things to happen, you’ve got to make them happen. You’ve started down that path by creating your company and pursuing your vision. But you don’t want your business just to survive; you want it to thrive. That’s why it’s crucial to adopt certain traits of business owners.

Protect Your Office With Office Business Insurance

Business offices may not have the risks of, say, construction sites. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t many types of costly incidents that can occur. If you’ve worked in an office for any length of time, you’ve probably seen things like property damage and accidents that could result in legal liability. That’s where office business insurance can be crucial.

Protect Your Business With Retail Store Insurance

From the minute you open your retail store in the morning until you lock your doors at night, you face the risk of lawsuits, property damage, theft, and other costly incidents. Issues can also occur when employees are preparing to open your store or doing cleaning and other post-closing tasks. In fact, incidents like claims of infringement in your advertisements can occur anytime. That’s why you need retail store insurance.